Saturday, May 12, 2012

First kayak school of 2012

In the Soca valley it was really spring. When the tulips, narcisus are blooming, the tries are starting to  dress in green colour, the days are longer and warmer, the conditions are ideal for a Season opening kayak school!

Thanks for some rainy days, our kayak school could choose from different section of the river.
The upper Soca with the good waterlevel and with its wild beauty was a perfect choice to warm up, to refresh, what we learn last year. After a lot of practis we paddled the secund part of Koritnica, what is really fine for kayakers having some experiencies, because normally only after the rain you have enough water to paddle it. It is quite smaller river than Soca, but very beautiful, and thanks to its canyons, it is technical and exciting easy whitewater!

Our kayakers liked the Koritnica so much, that next day they wanted to run again.
And finaly we just finished the kayak school on the classical section of the Soca river (Srpenica-Trnovo) with bigger waves, continous rapids with more technikal lines between the rocks!

If you would like to have some adventurous days on the Soca, controlling your one person  kayak, come, and visit our Whitewater Kayak School!
More about SocaRider kayak school

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